theo kamwimbi 

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* Research for: Savage T. and Kambala O. (2008). 'Decayed, decimated, usurped and inadequate: the challenge of finding justice through formal mechanisms in the DR Congo', In Ivo Aertsen, Jana Arsovska, Holger-C. Rohne, Marta Valinas, and Kris Vanspauwen ed., Restoring Justice after Large-scale Violent Conflicts. Devon, UK: Willan Publishing. Pp. 336-358.  
* Research for: Villa-Vicencio C., Nantulya P., Savage T. (2005). Building Nations - Transitional Justice in the African Great Lakes Region: Burundi, The DRC, Rwanda, Uganda, IJR: Cape Town. 
* Translations for : IJR, Les Ressources de la Transition: Les Commissions Vérité, la Cour Pénale Internationale, la Justice Transitionnelle, la Réconciliation, l’Amnistie, les Réparations, le Génocide, l’Ubuntu, les Droits et la Réconciliation. Le Cap, 2005.  
* Research, compilation and redaction of a country report on the Congolese Social Security Program for the SADC Social Security Experts Conference, under the theme: “Developing an Integrated and Inclusive Framework for Social Protection in SADC” held on 13-15 November 2002 in Maputo, Mozambique", in cooperation with the Institute of Development & Labour Law of the University of Cape Town (UCT).  
* Research, compilation and redaction of a country report on the Congolese Social Security Program for the SADC Social Security Experts Conference, scheduled for 1 & 2 December 2003 in Lusaka (Zambia), under the theme: "HIV/AIDS and social protection: Towards socio-economic integration and development in the Southern African Development Community"", in cooperation with the Institute of Development & Labour Law of UCT.  
* Kamwimbi, T K, «Incidence de la Surdi-mutité sur la Responsabilité Pénale en droit Congolais», Travail de Fin du Cycle de Graduat en Droit, Université de Kinshasa (UNIKIN), 1996, 40 p.  
("Incidence of the Deaf-muteness on Criminal Liability in Congolese Law", LLB Dissertation, University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), 1996, 40 p.) 
* Kamwimbi, TK, «De la Réglementation de la Procédure d'Interrogatoire d'un Prévenu Sourd-muet en Droit Congolais», Mémoire de Licence en Droit, Université de Kinshasa (UNIKIN), 1999, 80 p.  
(“Regulation of the Procedure of Cross-examination of a Deaf-mute accused person in Congolese Law", LLM Thesis, University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN), 1999, 80 p.) 
* Kamwimbi, TK “Challenges of Identity among the Congolese Community in Cape Town, South Africa”, Essay written at the Centre for Popular Memory, UCT in the context of the oral history project funded by Mellon Foundation, Cape Town, 2004.  
* Kamwimbi, TK,“Ethnic Division as a Serious Obstacle to Democracy in Africa: Diagnosis and Therapy”, abstract successfully submitted for the Georgia Political Science Association 2004 Convention held from 11 to 13 November 2004 at the Mulberry Inn, Georgia, USA.  
* Kamwimbi, TK (2004). “Challenges of Identity among the Congolese Community in Cape Town, South Africa”. Essay written for the Centre for Popular Memory at UCT in the context of an oral history project funded by Mellon Foundation, Cape Town. 
* Kamwimbi, TK. “Ending violent conflict through a fragile peace process in the DRC: Lack of Professionalism?”, abstract of the paper submitted for the IPRA biennial conference under the theme: “Patterns of Conflict, Paths to Peace” held in Calgary, Canada from 29 June to 3 July 2006. 
* Kamwimbi, TK. “Ethnic Division as a Serious Obstacle to Democracy in Africa: Diagnosis and Therapy”, abstract of the paper submitted for the Georgia Political Science Association 2004 Convention held from 11 to 13 November 2004 at the Mulberry Inn in Georgia, USA. 
* Kamwimbi, TK. “Forced migration of young Congolese in South Africa”, abstract of the paper submitted for the 10th Biennial IASFM Conference held in Toronto, Canada from 28 to 22 June 2006. 
* Kamwimbi, TK. “Good governance and democracy as real solutions for sustainable peace and development in the DRC”, abstract of the paper submitted for the IPRA conference, ‘Building Sustainable Futures - Enacting Peace and Development’, to be held at the University of Leuven, Belgium on 15-19 July 2008. 
* Kamwimbi, TK, “Transitional Justice in a regional context: Case of the Great Lakes region of Africa”, Essay submitted for fulfillment of the Fellows Programme, IJR-ICTJ, Cape Town, May 2005. 

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